Why Executive Coaching is the Missing Ingredient
in your Leadership Onboarding Process
Acquiring talent is just PART of ensuring exceptional leadership. Enriched onboarding reaps benefits for individuals and the companies that employ them by improving confidence (35%), job satisfaction, productivity and 3-year retention rates by a whopping 70%. In a word, the cost of lax onboarding is significant, demoralizing, and high. Lax onboarding reduces the incidence of new leaders becoming effective long-term contributors.
While typical company onboarding is short and focused on paperwork, Best Transition Initiatives provide support in the form of Executive coaching. A 2023 Report from management development firm FMI found that 87% of client respondents agreed that Executive Transition Coaching offers exceptional ROI, a finding with which FORBES agrees.
Executive coaching is a vital ingredient in onboarding and transition processes, that dramatically improves the likelihood that leaders will succeed in their roles more effectively and more engaged while achieving marked positive impact within their organizations.
Why Transition Coaching?
Transition100 is a process through which leaders receive dialed-in, personalized support via 1:1 coaching, modules and supplementary materials, the objective being to get leaders up to speed within their organization as efficiently and effectively as possible. In our Transition100 process, leaders create a 90-Day plan with priorities, goals, key conversations and milestones for themselves and their teams, along with the specific alignment-building strategies and tactics required to reach each goal. The Executive Coach provides tools and informed space for leaders to diagnose, design, and reflect on growth, stumbles, insight and wins, and to overcome interpersonal, professional, and self-management hurdles. This is important as leaders joining a new company often don’t have history, a track-record, or networks within their new organization.
With focus on building credibility, long-game early wins, teams, trust and momentum, the Transition100 Coach serves as a sounding-board and collaborator with whom leaders can have frank discussions in a protected setting. New leaders also engage in systematic Vision, Implementation, and Eras-Planning work, and also complete ten Transition Tasks that tangibly support company objectives, mission and purpose. Transition100 clients work six month with renewal options. Services are delivered bi-weekly with touchpoints as needed. Click HERE to book a Consult Call.