Burnout Turn-Around; Through Work, Play & Rejuvenation

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What is Burnout?

Burnout is a combination of mental, physical and emotional exhaustion. It is a widespread, serious problem across the United States and around the world, a problem that adversely affects individuals, companies, and quality of life.

Burnout can feel inescapable, and feelings of burnout are frequently accompanied by detachment from family and work, cynicism about day-to-day activities, cynicism about the future, ones’ responsibilities, and the belief that things will get better.

Burnout is caused by prolonged exposure to relentless, mounting stress and demands. The ramifications of burnout may include sharp reactions and irritability, a sense of overwhelm, gastrointestinal problems, chronic fatigue, lack of motivation, disinterest, and feelings of not getting anywhere. Burnout can be addressed however. We can end burnout.

Where to Begin

Turning burnout around is a combination of work, play, and rejuvenation.

Remember play? Remember rejuvenation?

Rejuvenation is more than rest. It's recharging in a gentle manner, a manner that generates energy, efficacy, and self-assurance.

Turning burnout around is also about not seeing one's life and work in opposition to one another. When you wake in the morning and invest time to stretch and read, to go for a run, to journal, to think, to putter... consider these critical health, peace, and wellness activities part of your work. How so? They are part of your work in that they enable you to be terrific at your job. We spend a good part of our lives at work and in work. Work and life are not in opposition to one another - each are part of the other.

If you're experiencing burnout, it's essential to be proactive by assessing your situation, realizing that you are in the driver’s seat, by creating pockets of time that are for your own peace, health and renewal, and by seeking support from family, a friend, a coach, counselor, or mentor.

Beginning with yourself and your own health, noting options and sources of support available to you, and seeing work and life as important parts of a larger whole are a great place to start as you move incrementally away from burnout.


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