10 Rules for Our Day-to-Day

Image by Getty Photos via Unsplash+

Happy fulfilled people are doers who focus on self-management, service, ongoing growth, and learning. They find life, potential, and opportunity itself to be intrinsically-motivating. Happy fulfilled people tend to be decisive, glass-half-full critical thinkers. They are hungry, curious, delight-minded INITIATORS with a penchant for ACTION.

A Top-10 List that brings people engagement, calm, and satisfaction in their day-to-day includes:

  1. Fill your mind and day with gratitude.

  2. Hunt for potential and what’s good.

  3. Make FITNESS an A-list top priority. Workout 2x to 3x weekly.

  4. READ. Always have a book going. Genre not important.

  5. Be a force for welcome and positivity.

  6. Learn from people you admire.

  7. Keep your goals in front of you and systematically inch them forward.

  8. Decide and move on. Delay and not deciding is is the worst decision.

  9. Plan your day the night before.

  10. You can be new, shy, scared, broke, intimidated, unsure, out-of-your-league, etc.. but when it comes to positive endeavor, GO AHEAD ANYWAY.

The takeaway? Invest in yourself, in lif and in others. Enjoy today.

Find ways to elevate what’s good and what works by cultivating self-awareness, self-leadership, and deliberate intentional action. Make this day, this week, this time now great by looking out for those to the left of you, to the right of you, ahead of you and behind, and by living with delight and intention.


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