Leadership: An Inside Job

The Road to Effective Leadership Begins with Ourselves

Photo by Christina Wocintech from Unsplash

Leaders create vision, confidence, and opportunity for others, for organizations, and for society.

Where does the road to becoming an impactful leader being?

It begins with effectively leading OURSELVES.

In other words, leadership is an inside job that requires SELF-AWARENESS. Top ways to cultivate self-awareness include:

  • Mastery of subject matter is assumed. KNOW YOUR STUFF.

  • BE MINDFUL of your attitude, language, and use of time.

  • BE MEASURED and deliberate in action and word.

  • INVEST IN FITNESS, well-being, and what works.

  • BE A CONTINUOUS LEARNER. Read, write, think, create.

  • WORK WITH A COACH to craft big shifts and next-steps.

  • SEEK TO SERVE something bigger than yourself.


The most consequential, effective leaders are those who effectively manage themselves while simultaneously driving vision and navigating relationships.

We all act as leaders at various times and in various settings in the office, the classroom, in our families, and in our neighborhoods and communities. Leading is part of living in that we lead ourselves and others in various situations and in varying degrees every day. We have what it takes to lead. You do and so do I. We are each a marvelous blend of experiences, talent, and insight, and each of us carries unique and valuable perspectives. What to do? How shall we proceed in our effort to grow as leaders?

Invest in yourself, and contribute to a cause, to growth, to what’s positive, and to something beyond the immediate here and now. Through consistent work to become measured, disciplined, and consistent self-managers, we set ourselves up to more effectively drive vision, to lead teams, causes and campaigns, and to serve others and greater good.

Photo by Getty Images via Unsplash


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