Unbeatable Benefits for Health, Mind, & Career

Image by Alora Griffiths from Unsplash

Want to level up your Executive Presence and career? GOOD NEWS - if losing weight and feeling strong isn't enough motivation to exercise, studies show ongoing physical activity correlates strongly with personal agency, and it's the best preventative we have for health issues head to toe. Running, walking, rowing, swimming, court sports, lifting and stretching prevents and in some cases TREATS a wide-range of health issues, and boosts our performance and career prospects.

Research illustrates how exercise strengthens the entire human machine. Exercise strengthens the brain, heart, lungs, blood vessels, bones and muscles. Decades of biomedical preventative health research confims that the single most important thing we can do for our longterm health is lead an active life. Regular physical activity benefits both the body and mind, and experts advise we do best with exercise when we have consistency, purpose, and a plan to stick with it.

Additional good news shows that exercising two to four times weekly is a great buffer against Burnout.

Burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion that results from prolonged exposure to stress. People who are experiencing burnout report numbness, difficulty going about their work and perhaps even their daily life. They feel depleted and a unique combination of both overwhelm and underwhelm. Burnout is serious as it can markedly increase risk of heart disease, diabetes, and mental and emotional health problems.  

EXERCISE is a GAME-CHANGER that brings a cascade of mental and physical health benefits, and there’s more good news. Exercise can also help us turnaround and END BURNOUT.

If you’re experiencing burnout, you may have symptoms that include:

  • Low energy / Fatigue

  • Low confidence / low enthusiasm

  • Feelings of helplessness 

  • Irritability and Anxiety

  • Trouble concentrating 

  • Physical symptoms that include insomnia, muscle tension, headaches, exhaustion


When we experience burnout, our brains endure a level of exhaustion that overloads our central nervous system and negatively impacts mental cognition - our ability to reason, make decisions, think clearly. Exercise quickly and positively impacts burnout because exercise provides cognitive regeneration and it allows our central nervous systems to recover. In fact, just one 30-minute session of moderate exercise weekly improves mood, fatigue, restlessness, hopelessness, and motivation. Exercise also impacts COGNITIVE FLEXIBILITY, which is the brain’s ability to navigate and adapt to new, unexpected or unplanned events. Exercise clears the mind, helps us relax, and improves our sleep and mood as it boosts respiration, healthy heart-rate, self-confidence and our own energy and motivation.

Photo via Getty Images via Unsplash+

So level-up your Executive presence. Level up your career, move away from Burnout, and improve your work and personal life. Tap into the undeniable connection between fitness and career success. Develop and maintain an UNCOMPROMISING ATTITUDE toward EXERCISE.

Schedule it, prioritize it, and look forward to it for its unbeatable physical & mental health benefits, career benefits, and the clear connection between regular prioritized exercise, self-assurance, and a can-do, find-a-way mindset and attitude. Let’s go.


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