The Ticket to Real Change? GET SERIOUS.
Taking the Leap: For Things to Change, YOU Must Change
Image by Hossein Ghodsi from Unsplash
No person or circumstance can gift us peace, confidence, fitness, or personal power. We can ace a test, score a touchdown, or land a choice job, but foundational ways of being such as clarity, confidence, and the self-assurance to follow-through and make things happen don’t come from titles, and they don’t come from external sources. Clarity, confidence, and assurance in ourselves are the result of our CHOICES — they come from within.
Leaders Focus on What Positively Serves.
Leaders are not people who close their eyes and ears, thinking they know everything.
Leaders are not people who stick to their guns while the world changes around them.
Leaders are LEARNERS - observers of what is going on around them and what positively serves.
True leaders are humble, and they’re open to learning from setbacks, experience, and everyone they meet. They don’t seek to be right - they seek wisdom and incremental progress.
Leaders Make Things Happen.
We are all called to lead - in the office, in our neighborhoods, families, classrooms, communities, and in our own lives. We have the option to change our lives for the better every day and every hour. We have the power and the option. How to proceed?
To change your life for the better, you have to get SERIOUS, and there’s really not a way around that. You need not be ponderous. You need not be grim, but about some things, you must be less casual. You must in some areas be deliberate.
About Some things, You Must Be Serious.
Deliberateness & Seriousness are about taking positive action no matter how small when it’s time, action that moves us where we seek to be. You see, there are Uphill Habits and there are Downhill Habits, and the truth is, Everything worthwhile is UPHILL.
Everything worthwhile is HARD.
There are Uphill Habits, there are Downhill Habits, and if you’re practicing downhill habits, you’ll not go uphill.
If you want to transform, you have to DELIBERATELY LEAD your life. You have to get serious and OWN your life - your outlook and behavior, your language, your choices, thoughts, words, actions, and your use of TIME.
Most people don’t lead themselves or their lives. Most people don’t LEAD their lives - they accept it. They say YES to things they shouldn’t and NO to things to which they should say YES. Again, to go UPHILL and actually lead your life - to do things that are meaningful to you and contribute to the world, about some things you have to get serious.
Image by Andrej LisaKov from Unsplash
What does it mean to GET and BE SERIOUS?
Seriousness means taking responsibility for ourselves - taking responsibility for our focus, words, priorities and actions.
Getting serious is also very much about being who you need to start BEING to get from where you are to who and where you seek to be. It is essential when building routines and habits you actually intend to make REAL, that you focus on who you need to start BEING to pull a thing off. “Who You’re in the Habit of Being” is a big and consequential deal.
Being Who You Need to Start Being Requires Space & Boundaries
Being who you need to start being to pull off your plans involves:
Setting Demarkations - Setting Boundaries so you can alert people and YOURSELF that WHAT you are up to in a particular area is now a PRIORITY,
Creating Physical space, Emotional space, and the MINDSET needed to acquire the ways of being and micro-habits that you’re after.
Real change requires that we take Responsibility, that we Decide and that we Act - we take action. Real change requires that we act like our lives depend on taking responsibility for ourselves, for others, and for positive growth.
Is it easy?
That which is important - that which is meaningful is never easy. The rewards that await us are great however, but not without bumps. Our comfort zone will protest, along with our friends, coworkers and family. Change isn’t easy, but evolving and actively pursuing an expansive life feels great as you blow past what ifs, limitations, all the reasons why X will never work, obstacles, and naysayers.
So Let’s get STARTED! The best time is always now. Start pursuing the compelling future you envision. How? The first step and first stop in your pursuit is this:
You’ve got this friends — you do. Don’t leave your health, wealth, contribution, potential or fulfillment to someone else - to ANYONE else. You need not be overly rigid or grim, but about some things, it’s time to get serious. Please be in touch - keep me updated. Let’s go friends, and thanks for reading.