On Leadership & Leading

Cultivating Self-Awareness & Deliberateness

Image by Tommy Lisbin from Unsplash

In the office, the classroom, on the field, in our families, in our neighborhoods and on our block, we are all called at points to lead.

Leadership and positive self-leadership involve 1) self-awareness, and 2) deliberate positive action. How do we develop ourselves as leaders? We begin where we and take stock of our habits, our values, and the way we use time.

Conducting a personal inventory of this type increases self-awareness, which in turn increases intentional, deliberate action. Self-awareness coupled with well-considered habits and systems can have profound effect on our ability to effectively lead ourselves and others. Self-awareness increases when we invest time and effort in identifying the values, people, causes, and activities that we hold most high. Acting with deliberateness and intention increases when we actively incorporate positive habits to the point of automaticity and systems.

  • ON SELF-AWARENESS — What do you love to talk about and what do you do well? What are your favorite pastimes? Your favorite areas of the bookstore?

  • HABITS, SYSTEMS, AND DELIBERATE ACTION— To truly lead our lives, living intentionally is key. Most people don’t live intentionally - they spend their time putting out whatever fires spring up each day, and attend to low-value work rather than important work. More often, people react rather than respond, and accept their lives as they are.

Living with intention is different. Living with intention is particular. Deliberateness and intentional action requires that we be decisive and particular regarding mindset, regarding who we are, how we speak, the way we frame things, and what we do.

How might we live more intentionally? Pinpoint priorities, pinpoint what you love, and pinpoint what makes you tick. At the same time, become intentional about who you are and what you do. With increased self-awareness and focus on intentional living, we can clarify the shifts we seek to make.

Leadership, Responsibility, & Caring

Image by Alora Griffiths from Unsplash

Leadership is about becoming self-aware and at the same time, becoming aware of the lives, experiences, and needs of others.

Leadership is about examining what is, about taking responsibility for ourselves, for our thoughts, words, and choices, and for serving and caring.

Leaders create vision.

Leaders create confidence.

Leaders create growth and opportunity.

Leaders create growth in organizations, society, and in people. Leadership happens when people choose to live intentionally, choose to share and commit to big ideas, and choose to take responsibility for people and a vision or a cause bigger than themselves.

We all have the capacity to lead - we’re born with the capacity to stand for something, to look out for those around us, to create, and to serve people and something larger. Investing in yourself, in your future, and in what you can do for people by cultivating self-awareness, self-leadership, and deliberate intentional action. Let’s make this year, this time now great by living with delight and intention, and by taking responsibility for ourselves, our choices and our actions.


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