No Challenge - No Change

Take on Challenge for Growth and Transformation

Image by Pablo Merchán Montes from Unsplash+

Life is complex, and sometimes truly tests our mettle. While it may feel safe and steady to reside in comfort zone mode, taking on challenges is key to rich experiences, to personal and professional growth, and to positive transformation. Taking on and overcoming that which challenges us is crucial to personal development, and crucial to creating a compelling life and future.

When faced with a challenge, a switch goes off that leads us to think more expansively and creatively, to problem-solve, and to develop and further improve skills. This process is often uncomfortable but the rewards are great! Becoming comfortable with the uncomfortable is a superpower of sorts, in that accepting and working with that which is uncomfortable is an asset that comes with countless benefits. What upside benefits come from doing what we don’t want to do or don’t feel like doing when it’s time? Benefits include self-knowledge, self-efficacy, grit, resilience, empathy, connection, wisdom, agency, new skills, and greater perspective. There are specific steps that can help us take on challenge - seven are listed here:

7 Steps to Take On Challenge

1. Check In and Think Big.

When a real challenge comes up, check-in with yourself. Be present. Then think big. We tend to think small when we’re unsure or afraid. Reframe, be positive, and realize that you’re capable of more than you think you are.

2. Turn Toward the Challenge.

The simple act of turning toward rather than away empowers.

3. Stay Positive and Make A Plan.

What are the optimal outcomes given the situation? Once you determine optimal outcomes, move step by step in that direction.

4. Look to Yourself for Solutions.

What do you know? What do you have? What positive step can you take today?

5. And Find Help as Needed.

You can do plenty on your own, and plenty with assistance if needed.

6. Focus on Methods & Process

Outcome may be important, but make the process the priority - not the outcome. Process will get you where you seek to go.

7. Persist & Persevere.

No challenge, no change really is true. We can be static and hang back, or we can push forward and meet the day. If you want to change your health, career, skill set, or life, you have to challenge and change. Take charge of your mindset, get mentally tough, and go toward what you seek. Get gritty, persist, and persevere.

Image by This.Is.Engineering from Unsplash

Challenge and change are key to rich experiences, to personal and professional growth, and to positive transformation. We can use challenges as stepping stones to propel ourselves forward, and to forge new paths. Think big, stay positive, and focus on process. Growth and transformation await you.


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