Feels Like Saturday
Six Ways to Preserve and Relax Our Weekends
Image by Emma Simpson from Unsplash
Saturday is the only day of the week that retained its Roman origin in English. During the 2nd Century, the day between Friday and Sunday was named Saturn’s Day by ancient Romans, in honor of the planet Saturn.
Studies show that Saturday is a preferred day among most Americans, and around the world, people are generally happier on weekends — especially on Saturday.
Saturday has a Feel
Monday is distinct. Fridays and Sundays feel like Fridays and Sundays for some reason too. And Saturday? For me, Saturday is second only to Monday in terms of having a particular morning-to-evening feel. While Mondays are on-task and purposeful, Saturdays are spacious. Saturdays are open.My Feels Like Saturday playlist of a few years ago sounds exactly like one would imagine it sounds. It’s relaxing and places no demands.
I am deliberate about making Saturday a no- or at least low-commitment day. I sleep-in, do a light workout, then putter, drink coffee, walk, read, and do whatever easy-paced thing I feel like doing. Sometimes I work or study — it’s my choice. That’s the beauty of reserving one day of the week for lounging and spontaneity. Open, easy Saturdays increase the odds that the weekend will be satisfying, and increase the odds that you’ll close the week that was and will begin the week to come in good position. Six ways to relax and reserve our Saturdays include:
Make slow-paced Saturday mornings a thing you do.
Keep Saturday to-do lists light, particularly morning to-do’s.
Reserve a favorite breakfast, a favorite pot of tea, or a favorite yoga routine as a Saturday-only event.
Limit must-do weekend work tasks, errands, deep cleaning, kids’ sports schedules, and social obligations to a defined time period and stick to it.
Feel less obligated. People routinely categorize tasks and events that are not obligations as obligations. Don’t say yes when you shouldn’t, can’t, or truly don’t care to say yes. Determine what works for you in terms of your wellness and priorities, and decline invitations and requests in a matter-of-fact, polite manner when it’s time to do so.
Arrange one weekend high point. Great weekends will ideally include no more than one special outing or high point.
When we reserve Saturday as an open day for relaxation, personal interests, and possibility, the tenor of our weekends changes, along with our readiness for the week to come. Make more spacious, relaxed Saturdays part of your ongoing routine, and enjoy increased contentment, stronger relationships, and better health along the way.