Art Influences, Sparkles, Moves & Delights Us

Art is Central to our Lives, Culture, Health & Happiness

Graffiti Cat; Image by Jon Tyson from Unsplash

In his influential work The Live Creature, American philosopher John Dewey (1859-1952) notes mountain peaks don’t float unsupported, or just rest upon the earth. They ARE the earth.

Art, like a mountain peak, does not float unsupported. Art doesn’t exist just because, just to please or entertain, or to fulfill some utilitarian purpose.

Art doesn’t rest upon experience. Art IS experience.

Art is central to our lives, to culture, to health and to happiness for individuals and entire societies. Art is central to comfort in our own skin, to what makes us tick, and to what it is to be human.

Art is a connector, an agitator, a question-mark, and a question-asker.

Art is a universal communication method beyond language by which people across time, custom, and location express and share. Art commands us, bothers us, pleases and pushes us. Art is a must-have that creates and reflects society.

Could we physically survive in a world without art? Yes, but we likely would not care to do so.

Marilyn Monroe; Image by Sanna Linjos from Unsplash

What to do?

Take a breath. Take a look. Really listen.

Consider, wonder, remember, and feel.

Stand up, take a shot, and SAY something. Art is in our DNA — yours and mine.

We are creators. We dabble and build and do. We flourish and thrive. We are artists who find a way to express and make and have.

Art is the must-have at our fingertips, here, there, and everywhere. Note and enjoy art and what’s good about this day, and watch the connections and benefits flow.


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