Simplicity as a Philosophy & Mindset

Image by Dominik Scythe of Unsplash

Great leaders from the board room, the classroom, the production line, the civil rights line, the stage, the keyboard, the canvas and the science lab - you name it. They share certain attributes and ways of operating that serve them and their work well. One of them is this:


Simplicity can be a style element. A health measure. A mindset and philosophy. It's freedom from unneeded complexity and artless ornament. What steps lead to simplicity? For some, it's decluttering spaces. For others, it's taming overly-busy days and minds, and for almost everyone, it's replacing time-stealing habits with deliberate, positive, CHOSEN ways of being.

When we operate more simply we spend less and recover time, space, energy and peace. Steps that move us toward simplicity include:

1-TAKE STOCK, then dedicate to what matters.
2-FOCUS on what you’re creating, not eliminating.
3-CURB time with tech and social media.
4-BEWARE of an always-busy mind.
5-BE PARTICULAR about what you bring into your home.

This week, focus on what you create with ease and simplicity at center. Enjoy and watch the benefits flow.


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